The Kansas SBDC advisors and staff are on campus!
Advisors can meet with clients in-person or via Zoom, phone, or email.
Businesses may contact us at or 913-469-3878. Visit our website at
Our advisors have both the experience and knowledge to work with small businesses and entrepreneurs at every life stage of their business. Our team provides comprehensive, in-depth, long-term assistance through advising and training.
The Kansas SBDC at 赌钱app可以微信提现 is one of eight regional centers in the state of Kansas and approximately 1,000 centers throughout the United States. For more information, visit the Kansas Small Business Development Center Network and America's Small Business Development Centers.
The 赌钱app可以微信提现 Kansas Small Business Development Center recognizes the support of the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Kansas Department of Commerce. The support given through such funding does not constitute an express or implied endorsement of the opinions, products or services of the co-sponsor(s) or participants' opinions, products or services. Programs are nondiscriminatory, and reasonable accommodations will be made, upon request, for persons with disabilities.